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most know me as a doula but i also have over a decade of experience with ages 0-3. i have been creating this gift for you all to support parents in ways outside of birth. often times i see posts about how you all are underprepared for the fourth trimester / parenting so i wanted to be there to fill that gap. these schedules/routines were created to operate as guideline to follow for your family if you feel a lack of control or understanding of how your days could go a lot smoother as well as for dads who have no idea what to do or how to help. love & blessings to you 🤎 KYN


what's included?

recommendations for implementing routines

infant sleep overview

daytime and bedtime routine suggestions

newborn - 1 month old schedule

2-3 months old schedule

4-5 months old schedule

6-9 months old schedule

10-12 months old schedule

BONUS: infant and toddler schedule



Schedules & Routines for 0-12 Months

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